Really fascinating article about women in HKC in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s, its pretty negative, highlighting many interesting points and drawing parallels between Confucianism and how women are seen in HKC. I think that the negative attitude that Tammy Cheung highlights is the same issues we have in the west, except maybe Hollywood is/was more aware of equality …slightly. However, we have many issues in western society, and as Hong Kong is the gateway between east and west it makes sense that it portrays issues from both parts of the world. Tammy interestingly talks about how the state of HKC with women taking marginal, subordinate roles is a backlash to the progressive women's movement. In terms of my project it is interesting to see Tammy mention King Hu “I was hoping to see the return of heroic women who first appeared in 1960s adventure films and achieved iconic status in King Hu’s martial-arts classics during 1970s.” This is useful as it proves that I have read the era correctly, and im not just being mislead by learnt Male behaviours of what is acceptable. It confirms my opinion that these earlier films are suitable for our project and that bringing these characters back into the light of day can only serve to level the playing field, showing them as "strong heroic" characters rather than "calculating mistresses, self-sacrificing wives or love interests”. Interestingly this article was written by Tammy Cheung, a women, I believe this gives it a much more genuine, authentic background.