The next phase of digging deeper into Berger’s (2008) theory on oil paintings directly influencing modern advertising is to subject the advert (Moooi, 2016), that I believe ...
Iconographic Breakdown - Isabella
Since amending my first set of aims and objectives, one of the main things I have been doing is building up a large database of found advertisements. Some online but mostly print as...
Visual Culture: An Introduction - (Walker and Chaplin, 1997)
This book, which is aimed at post and undergraduate students alike is another 'introduction to’ however this one is more broadly looking at 'visual culture’ as appose to focusing on a specific area. This means I...
Roelof van Straten - An Introduction to Iconography
I was first led to this book by Gillian Rose in her book ‘Visual Methodologies' (2011). I found it very easy follow and understand which might be because it is an introduction to the subject, even though it is written...
Mind Map
Since I started with my initial aims and objectives I have been regularly updating a mind map to try and make sense and to visualise a path through my research. The idea was...
I am starting to find it a bit difficult to keep a clear steady focus on my research tasks. I feel I am digging so deep that everything I find feels interesting but pointless...
Iconography and Iconology
When looking a bit deeper past Semiotics for more appropriate methodologies I came across an approach called Iconography and Iconology...
I have been looking quite extensively at my subject area for some time now, finding images, reading texts and basically getting a real understanding of what my 'Lemon' is. Now...
The Three Dreams
Today I stumbled across the paradigms involved in my area or practice. When planning out my aims and objectives I was a little worried that I hadn't found what my paradigms were...
Aims and Objectives
After a lot of chopping and changing I have finally settled on my Aim's and Objectives. I am sure they might evolve slightly...
'Ways of Seeing' by John Berger
First thing I will say about this book is that it definitely opened my eyes. (literally the point of the book so I was off to a good start!)...
Whats My Lemon?
At the very base level my Lemon is Illustration, but i am pretty sure I am one of those people that Michele talked about when she said...
It is now one week on from Michele's first lecture which introduced us to the idea of research and Methodologies. I often find that I don't always take...
An Introduction To The World Of Research
The start of my research journey starts now. Not too sure on the direction it is going at the moment...