After a recent tutorial and discussion with Andrew I think I have hit on the point of what me and Anya are trying to say and do. For quite a large point of the project I have been developing the artwork and focusing on learning new techniques like ‘Machine’ and playing with animating formats without really thinking in depth about what our message or point or desired response would be. Todays tutorial helped me to realise I need to start thinking about that more. I realised that what we want is to comment on the current situation we find ourselves in where lots of women are coming forward and reporting sexual harassment or sexual abuse from powerful men. Essentially what we want is to level the playing field, we want to make men and women’s experiences through life the same. By creating a visual production that uses samples and visual language from HKC to speak to a broad global audience of people who are also interested in have things more even. By showing strong women, getting retribution and taking matters in her own hands no matter the consequences should be more empowering, this is normally something you would see from a male character, Im thinking of characters like Batman and Spiderman. These are characters who have been wronged, forgotten or left behind in their early life, but then turn into these vigilantes that oppose evil by essentially doing evil. I think this is slightly hitting on what I am trying to achieve, the reason for using HKC is because of its global language, it’s a media created from influences from the east and west, and on top of that as discussed before uses women in some of its films to challenge the current thinking. I believe that if we get and intersecting format, method of delivery for the production and think of a relevant narrative it could work really well.
I have been thinking about how we could formulate the final stage of the project, and what it could be. Straight up animation, commenting on sexual harassment? Taking the form of a series of Instagram style animations, or maybe a physical book that documents the true stories of women, or even a selection of posters done in HKC style depicting real stories of harassment. I quite like the idea of doing a fictional film trailer, or opening credits. This would fit well with all the research I have done so far for HKC, and would allow me to use all the skills I have been acquiring.
Noted Names from the Tutorial
Jim jamuch - night on earth.
Laura mulve