Below are the final story board for the trailer with notes and inital ideas before this stage which show how we got here. From here we can see all the major scenes to check whether the trailer might make sense, I did also remove a good number of scenes because it was far too long. We also need to remember we are not actually making a feature film it is just...
Production Company Animation (Image, Motion, Sound)
This is my first go and image, motion and sound all rolled into one production, and I have to say i am so very pleased with the outcome. So this short 13 second animation is mine and Anya’s jokey production company animation that proceed every trailer, not just in HKC but all movie trailers. So to make it feel like an authentic trailer we needed to...
Cinematic Blurring (Image)
One of the biggest challenges of changing from being just an illustrator to more of an all round visual communicator has been breaking from the the conventions I have learnt when building images. In an editorial image particularly most of the time everything in the image is important and requires being in focus, that does obviously depend on the context, but tha
Freedom or Death Speech (Sound)
I really like this dramatisation of the famous 'Freedom or Death' speech by Emmeline Pankhurst. This one is something Anya came across in her research and I think it could be really useful. If we had part of this speech sampled over the trailer I think it would really lend it some power...
Write Out (Image, Motion)
This test is all about trying out an animation technique called ‘Write-Out’. The objective is to try and get my chinese characters to look as if they are being painted live on screen. Although it sounds rather simple its actually kind of hard to do, so I started with the chinese characters 我也是 which mean ‘Me Too’ A perspective title for the...
Drawing Approaches II (Image)
I have been taking a closer look at how I draw people, specifically how I draw chinese people. Often when I draw a native chinese person they come out looking quite western. As the focus of this project is specifically chinese people I thought it would be very useful to visit how I draw them. In the top left of the image below you can see an improved version of the type I would normally draw, playing on the eyes specifically. I then carried forward...
'the social network' Trailer (2010) (Motion, Sound)
Since coming to the idea that me and Anya want to produce a fictional film trailer that comments on or adds to the discussion on sexual harassment, I have been looking at lots of trailer. Or more specifically ones that have been touted as the best. After looking at many, I came across a trailer for the hit film 'Social Network (2010)’ which is all about the story behind...
Animation Development (Motion, Image)
Although this short test is a bit quick and needs more frames in it, I am really pleased how it has come out. In a relatively short time I have addressed all the things I wanted to from my drawing and previous animation development. As I said before I do need to add maybe...
HKC Film Theory
Planet Hong Kong - Popular Cinema And The Art Of Entertainment
This book by David Bordwell was the first one I read that talked specifically about HKC film theory. I wouldn’t necessarily say it is an academic book however it is published by Havard University Press. It being easy to digest is quite important
Drawing Approaches I (Image)
For some time I have wanted to develop how I draw, and to really take a detailed look at how I build up an illustration. This post analyses these foundations in an attempt to create more emotive and aesthetic images that elevate my current level of artwork. Although I have been researching mono printing, I think it...
Defining Stage (Tutorial)
After a recent tutorial and discussion with Andrew I think I have hit on the point of what me and Anya are trying to say and do. For quite a large point of the project I have been developing the artwork and focusing on learning new techniques like ‘Machine’ and playing with animating formats without really thinking in depth...
Motion in Still Images (Image, Motion)
How do I get motion to still or static images? I really like how the film posters below have done this, the posters have been painted which has enabled the artist to add a blurred or dragged quality. I think this lends a really nice quality to the artwork, and gives it...
Native Instruments - (Sound)
After developing practice I was fairly confident in using a pretty beefy program like after effects, and this as really all down to the really great website of Its slick videos, broken up into really smart sections is just great for learning...
Gender Trouble in Hong Kong Cinema (Essay)
Really fascinating article about women in HKC in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s, its pretty negative, highlighting many interesting points and drawing parallels between Confucianism and how women are seen in HKC. I think that the negative attitude that Tammy Cheung highlights is the same issues we have in the west, except maybe...
The Dancer - AXA TV ad (Motion, Sound)
Since having a clearer idea of the direction of the project, I have started to notice other productions in various places in the media, some that make me unhappy and some that I think are slightly more positive. I believe the advert...
The Woman Avenger (1980) 师妹出马 (Image, Motion, Sound)
After Anya’s recent idea about doing something connected to current affairs and female sex abuse, I decided to do some research into films that are slightly more empowering to women than most of the ones I have seen so far that portray them as weak, servile...
Rex Koo Solo Exhibition - Bleeding and death are 2 different things (Image and Motion)
The first thing you notice about Rex’s work is his super bold expressive drawings. This style of drawing is inspired by the old HKC Movie posters...
Hong Kong Trip
From the 28th October to 4th November I took a trip to Hong Kong. I did this because of the connection to my project, for a chance to do some great primary research and to build up a bigger and better understanding of what drives HKC. I also did it because...
Chinese Paper Cut - Prodigal Son Fight Scene (Motion)
I wanted to start making work, so decided I would take a look at recreating the aesthetics within HKC. A classic chinese animation method is called ‘Chinese Paper Cut’, I wanted to see if I could employ this technique for...
孔明の罠 - Kaizo Trap (Sound and Motion)
Although I am not a massive fan of the artwork, this animation is create for my secondary research. In particular I am thinking about the mix of sound and motion. The animation is aimed at young men and...